Friday, December 28, 2007

Envy or inspiration...

Five days with the in-laws for the holidays is purgatory. We are so very different. How could they have given life to her? Their life is comfortable, stable, and secure. They have everything yet do very little besides having. They paint their days in black and white.

I returned to the coast today. Two sessions to wash away the frustration. My beautiful wife and miraculous son return tomorrow. In the meantime, thoughts have been coalescing about what's to be done in life that makes it more than an existential exercise.

These two think they have figured it out. Visit their site. I defy you not to dream of your own wanderings. Your dreams might not take the same form, but like Cezanne's hillsides- their travels are the essential form that clearly communicates our shared visions of excellent wanderings.
The water is cold. Brrr.

1 comment:

  1. damn. I should have been travelling the world when I was young, child free, and dating a model! I suppose the wife and kids won't mind if I do it now...
