Saturday, March 1, 2008

Farewell, friend...

Max. Always loved, always loving. Always remembered.


  1. All dogs go to heaven, I'm sure he is having a blast chasing a stick, pissing on fire hydrants and humping some bitches!

    Losing a dog is rough, I have a dauchhound mix and looking at your little guy I can't even imagine.

    wishing you a speedy healing and when your ready another guy as good as Max.

  2. Friends like Max are truly endearing representatives of God's unconditional love.

    Thank you for sharing with us.

  3. Sorry from another dog guy here. I lost my first dog, also a dachsie, when I lived on Coronado Ave in OB/Cliffs. The freakin' landlord put out snail bait without telling us and she ate it. All the best.

    David, Seattle

  4. My condolences on this tragic news.
