Monday, August 11, 2008

Summer Sliding Snaps, Small Kine...





Thanks for the photos, Garrett. Fun Summer days need to be remembered!

Got to surf a littler board today. Fun li'l windswell provided a nice canvas. My hand was a bit wobbly but it was fun nonetheless.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun, carefree (rubber free!). Some fine pics too. I just noticed your profile "smorgasboarder" comment. Creative, funny. Thanks for the smile early on a tuesday.

    I'll be interested in hearing about inquiries you might get on your exchange idea. Now that our place on the Washington Coast is finished, my wife and I are thinking about making the same sort of open bargain. High risk/reward quotient but intriguing. Heck, maybe *we'll* make that deal with you!

