Monday, October 27, 2008

You can't kill art, but you can raffle it away...

Inspiration via Clayfin.

I liked Thread, by P.Trefz. I'm kind of tired of it. So leave me a comment on this post involving the phrase "getting rad" and I'll put your name into a raffle hat. In two weeks I'll pull a name. If I pull your name I'll send you the DVD. Fun!

If you live in Japan or Mozambique or Papua New Guinea we might have to talk about shipping. Pragmatism stinks.


  1. it was getting rad at the point till the wind came up so i headed home and watched Thread...

  2. Obama was sure getting rad bodysurfing in HI thats why he got elected!Oh yeah!

  3. dar gnitteg!!
    dar gnitteg!!

    ... for the love of mike!

    dar gnitteg!!

