Monday, November 17, 2008

Gtall's stoke renewal program...

Four weeks to greater stoke.

Week one:
No boards allowed. Fins allowed. You must body surf each day. By the end of the week you must have completed a)A shorebreak enema b)An actual down the line open face ride with "correct" arm outstretched c) A "Hey guys, don't mind me, take what ever wave you want, I'm just getting wet."

Week Two:
Boogie and/or surfmat allowed. fins allowed. You must boogie/mat/bodysurf each day. By the end of the week you must have completed a) A bumper boogie party wave with at least two friends b)A shorebreak "eye spy" c) A ridiculously late drop into a closeout death barrel.

Week Three:
Pack at least three surfcraft in your car. Fins, boogie/mat, and some surfboard- minimum. In the water every day. By the end of the week you must have completed a) A session during which you rode every craft in your car b) A session during which you traded surfcrafts with someone in the lineup at least twice c) A session at least a half mile from a parking lot.

Week Four:
All surfcraft are allowed. Surf each day. By the end of the week you must have completed a) giving a really good wave to another surfer b) A leashless surf session (be safety minded) during which you intentionally lose your board periodically in order to bodysurf to the beach. c) A conversation with an older stoked surfer, about your dad's age, regarding the good old days.

By the end of this program you will feel your stoke revitalized, your radometer will be primed, and your shaka hand will be ready to throw out some sweet surfing love!


  1. Love it! Thanks ;)


  2. i got inspired and doodled you a logo in my rsi-break.

    In case you were thinking about getting a tattoo :D

    you can see it at:


  3. I always surf a reef that is off the beaten path and a good walk from any parking lots. I always bring 2 boards down. Just a couple days ago i chatted in the lineup to a 60 year old about the surf life of my local in 1966. I rarely surf with a leash, when i lose my board i always notice how bodysurfing in relaxes the pace of my session. I always give my brother a good set wave. Now i just got a liddle hull. I am stoked!
