Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I don't wear tight pants or have a beard. I have never gone by the name "Skeezy" or "Catfish"(Epic!;). I was playing in punk and hardcore bands when "emo" was just a term for a kind of music. I'm a schoolteacher with a receding hairline and a family. I like surfboards and surfing. I will be seeing this film, Thomas Campbell's The Present, on Sunday night at 7 p.m. in La Jolla. I'll be the stoked surfer with the beautiful wife and killer grom. I'll consider a surf movie night a gift.

p.s. I'd like to share some old recordings of my bands on this blog. Any help for ways to embed?


  1. I can't help you with the embed, but if you want I'll call you Catfish.

  2. Yo Cat, check with Warm Jet

    word verification was imelis, as in I'm Lis! but I'm not

  3. Thanks, Prana.

    What kind of wig, Ian?

    Nice pont to the Warm Jet. And no, you're not Lis. Or are you- Anon?

  4. For music hosting give a look. Free to use business model so everyone wins. Very slick.

  5. Thanks EHO!

    Some little fun ones at the low tide beachbreak yesterday! A reef or two might be on this weekend!
