Friday, May 21, 2010


The Post-millennial Grommets breathe new life. Pic: BA-->

Awake. Produce. Repeat.

Each day finds an odd haze hanging over it. The weight of expectation, exertion, evaluation becomes a rote path. One moment is left behind as the next is anticipated. So rarely is a moment let to ring until its simple song is spent. Episodes pile up like driftwood, memories of living things worn smooth and innocuous by powers greater-than. Flotsam reaches the shore. Sea-scraps accumulate.

Then someone walking along the beach picks up the discarded and forgotten bits. Fashioned by an inspired mind, the memories and moments take on new life and meaning. The visionary act of reinvention and re-invigoration breathes new life.

Scale for personal use. Apply as necessary. Work, play, family, expression, success, all need a bit of re-invigoration when the time i'swell.


Surfsister said...

Plain old planing hulls. These kids amaze me. I love seeing surfing go in this direction. Minimalism at its finest

Steve and Cher Pendo said...

Andy, you are a terrific writer! thanks for sharing your poetic visualizations. And we're loving the minimalist surfing freedom and talent of the kids. . .
Smiles and Aloha, Cher and Steve

andrew said...

SS- I'm inspired by those two as well. I'm curious to see what happens next.

Cher- Thank you! My way to stay surfing even while predisposed to the obligations of a soon-to-be daddy for the second time...

I hope you and Steve are enjoying our beautiful spring and I hope to see you soon(ish).

Anonymous said...

Birch for prez !!!