What do they say about people and their dogs? Holds true.
I have a mat from Dale Solomonson on the way. My friend and role model, Larry, turned me on to mat riding. I've only done it a couple of times. Take my word for it- fun! Now take my word for it and add a few letters- functional! My time being in demand between family and work requires that each trip to the ocean counts. I'm counting on the mat to be a change from the norm and functional in many wave types. Weekday into weekend trip to northern point break will see some mat time come January.
I have a tray on order...
Yeah, I prefer a 6" x 12" x 5/8" taco bell to the more popular McDonald's tray. More drive, less oscillation, loose yet tight.
just curious, what is the age on that Staples tri?
TS is three years old. A bit too much foam for my 5'8 165 frame. Interested?
The best type of try riding is on the frozen variety of water. Back in my prime, I lived in Mammoth for a season. After a night on the town, we would go up to the hut and steel some cafeteria food trays, then climb up and have a spin. Good times. Sad, but that was half my life ago.
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