This is me a year and change ago in front of my car in my driveway. Today, when I went out to get the paper, I discovered that my car had been stolen out of the same driveway. First my favorite Lis, now my car. I must've done something to deserve this- but I can't figure out what. I need to make on offering or do penance or sacrifice something. Damn.
Board pictured is the Lis I still own, though it has been mangled on baja point surf rock bounces.
are you serious? that is some bad luck. hope it turns up. if i had to guess i would have to say what's jinxing you is this blog. "born to lose"???
damn how are we going to fit 3 guys and 3 boards in a civic for surf trips? (my wife's car might have to suddenly disappear from the driveway too)
Damn Hondas!!! Why can't people leave Hondas alone. I gave up on them after attempts were made on mine years ago. I thought it was safe to go back to Hondas. I guess I'm wrong. I'll stick with my boring Subaru.
Sorry about your board, your car, your stomach flu. You know what? I think Ryan's right. Change that blog name . . . quickly!!!
Dont worry, what goes around comes around... next year you'll be rewarded. You can start planing to come to Portugal for the European Fish fry ;)
The title of the Blog is ironic- I have it all. er, had it all.
Ryan- Jan 26-29- northern point break?
SS- Yea, but I love hondas. I don't know what my next car will be. I think I need better mpg for my 35 mile commute.
Ale- My brother in law lives in Paris! I am definitely interested in a trip to France, Spain and Portugal. It would be fun to hook up if I made it there.
You're welcome to drop by whenever you want ;)
Keep in touch
I'll pray for you brother.
you read my mind. i'm really bouncing off the walls for a trip after spending the last month with an injured back and being sick.i had been thinking about a trip north and seeing if you we're up for it. i'll let you know if i can swing those dates.
Harsh man.
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