A prodigal returns. Northern Cal B. Arevee calls to show me a board. PB, my original surfing fountainhead birthed this yellow bud in the mid seventies. Bird says so. It is mine for the fair price of... But I ride my collection. This one would be done in months. Death by dings. Some wall will be well hung. Rather, to see and feel and be able to appreciate a piece of someone's surfing journey through a surfboard of defined lineage is a pleasure. My solemn wish: it rides once again before being sent to the surfboard taxidermist.
Pardon the leash. It would've been rude to ask to remove it. Besides, perhaps it means that the board will be ridden again.
You sir, have impeccable taste in surf craft
'...surfboard of defined lineage...' Nice. While I doubt I would know how to surf a fish of that vintage, I was surfing the Cliffs when the thruster invasion (of which I was a part) was in full effect. So I can appreciate the importance of 'lineage.' Especially now, more than ever, since we live fully in the machine age. I hope that one of these days I will score one of his section-connectors for the rare small days up here. Short of that, I enjoy sticking to my lineage, through Tim Bessell's boards.
Prana- I really need to ride a point/reef on a mat with you. I want you to teach me the one hand on the mat takeoff thing. Open to it?
3tree-I wish a beautiful section connector on you! JHall is shaping some beauties. I'm considering a long fish simmons in the 10' range. I've never ridden a Bessell but that "kissing fish" looks killer!
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